HideIt's one PM and yours truly gets his ass up. In a graceful way I scratch my ass-crack and proceed to the bathroom. Everything is usual in that place. Okaaaay, now I got to make some coffee and smoke my pipe. In half an hour I'm done with that and it's time let the inner "Self" out.
From this point everything is simple: www.combats.com; nickname; password and I'm freaking in! Yeeeha! It's time to kick some ass, baby!
After a quick recap of the online list I see that the only ass I'm gonna be kicking is my own, since no 7's are online at the freaking moment. Well then,
now I can show a bit of respect and say "Hello!" to my guild-members couse obviously - noone else gives a fuck that I'm online. What's up next? Ah, yes, the forum... Not much there. What else...? The news. We start we the only dark guild arround -GoDS. For fucks sake guys! Update with some porn at least since it's not fun reading that one more of your members has a BD. Rmercenaries - not much but it'll do.
Paladins? The same. But the photoalbum is disappointment since no girls dig me... Or may be that there are not so many of them. Allways hoping for the best - that's what NC is about, eh?
Woot! 7's are logging in. It's about time, you lazy bastards! Let us see what do we have:
dodger - burn in hell
dodger - burn in hell
dodger - uhm... burn in hell
DS - jackpot!
2 wep DS - I'm going to kick your nutts so hard that you'll go home crying!
Well, we got some meat and some dodgers - we can FINALLY fight.
Here's what's going through my mind in a fight:
-Let's see... Ah, here we are, honey! I guess I'll aim for the nutts... Yeah yeah, it's just a game but it'll still make me feel better...
-2 more block tactics and I'll have the 3 "Path of Shield" combo - TRY TO CRIT MY NOW, RETARDS!
-Wooohooo! Blind luck, baby! You are practically dead, son!
- O.o I hate "Complete defence"! *cry*
-I can still make it... I fcking rule!
-At least we've won....
Ah yeah, I got some exp. The most valued thing in this here game. Now then - let's heal my ass and get back to killing. And I still need a healing set... But I'm too fucking lazy to go to the underground to make one, so fuck that.
Finally, my ass is fully recovered... Lets see what fights are about to start.
03:13 (xxxxxxxxx[7]) (7-7) The fight starts in 10.0 min., timeout 1 min. (2 weapons) - oh fuck off! If I enter the fight with my shield the twats will cry that I'm a jackal or whatever. If I get my sorry excuse for a second sword out - I'll get raped. Yeah, I'll pass this one.
Let us see if there is a 1 on 1 fight up... Nice, one more "DS with a shield" guy. You know, when I fight with someone like me it's like 2 cross-eyed
idiots in tanks shooting each other with machine guns. But in one moment one gets tired and shoots the crap out of the other with the freaking
cannon(crit)... It takes too long and it's freaking frustrating.
Evening, finally. Lets see the chat and the current fights. Nothing new there: GoDS+Killua/Order+RMecrenaries kicking the shit out of each other
and shit talking, as usual. All of the not-sleeping 7s are raping the bots in the underground... I guess I can go to sleep.
00:00 [
L0st Pr0phet] Good night, everyone.
This was not such a bad day.